BentGlassNevada’s journey began with a couple stained glass classes in the early 2000’s. Laura spent a few years working stained glass, creating everything from ornaments to windows including commissioned works. Somewhere along the path she discovered what happens when glass is introduced to copious amounts of heat….that’s how we wound up where we are. I bring a lifetime of metal fabrication and cabinet making to the table. All our works are completely hand crafted from raw materials in our shop.

Our work encompasses stained glass, warm glass, torch work. In addition to metal and woodwork to support the glass pieces, we also do stand alone forged and fabricated metal objects. (the picture above is an example of a 16” glass bird bath on a forged copper stem and leaves). We don’t have many photos of past works as our photo archives were lost to a forest fire a few years ago. We will include an archive page at some point as we find photos in old web and personal archives.